Blog Entries - 2016

Slow Cooker Bacon Pork Chops
Fall is here! I couldn’t be happier personally, but fall is a busy time of year. As many of the meals I cook are; this one fit’s the parameters of being low maintenance, having fresh locally raised meat and

Chicken Quesadillas
Chicken quesadillas are one of my family’s favorites. I like it because without much time or prep work it’s a big and pretty healthy meal. I adapt this recipe to who I’m feeding and how hungry we are.

Pork Shoulder Roast Pulled Pork Sandwiches
Pulled Pork sandwiches are a great meal for entertaining large groups, make ahead meals, or just an any night meal. I usually make this when I have family coming in because with a little prep work it’s a hands

Rendering Our Lard
Lard has a high smoke point which makes it great for frying, and it's ideal for baking as it creates a light flaky texture. Rendering your lard from hogs with access to the outdoors will have added Vitamin D stores from

Smoked Ham Steaks
So to be perfectly honest, I had never eaten a ham steak until I met my husband. His family made them regularly, but mine usually just had the hams ground. So having now made them several times I can tell you that it is

Salisbury Steak
Do you ever get in a cooking rut? Sometimes I get a little stuck when I am cooking with ground beef/pork. I do the regulars: Tacos, Spaghetti, Cheeseburgers, they are always tried and true… I found a new recipe