Blog Entries - Jan. 2016

Smoked Ham Steaks
January 21, 2016
So to be perfectly honest, I had never eaten a ham steak until I met my husband. His family made them regularly, but mine usually just had the hams ground. So having now made them several times I can tell you that it is

Salisbury Steak
January 15, 2016
Do you ever get in a cooking rut? Sometimes I get a little stuck when I am cooking with ground beef/pork. I do the regulars: Tacos, Spaghetti, Cheeseburgers, they are always tried and true… I found a new recipe

Pork Tenderloins
January 5, 2016
Wow, we made it through the holidays... Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas and seeing everyone, but I'm feeling a little worn down. I also ate way way way too much and it's showing on my scale... So this is the